Let positive corporate spirit reach out
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our Target Clients

Companies doing business in Hong Kong and embracing corporate philosophy to serve the society are welcome to promote their business on this website. We provide ad space for them to display their ad labels by industry, build customer loyalty , In addition to promoting brand services and products, successful creative slogans can also build a deeper understanding and connection with the brand. If synchronized with CSR, it can also establish the company's sustainable development direction and belief.

Place your Ad Label to develop enduring brand value

  • One Logo . One Slogan - is our formula to promote the brand image. We strive for meaningful content, consistency and simplicity to keep key messages clear and provide tangible contributions to corporate actions. Key elements of ad label are as followis
    . Brand Logo: This is the visual representation of your company’s identity.
  • . Corporate Motto: This encapsulates your company’s mission and values.
  • . Target Landing Pages: Create a direct link to your brand’s targeted landing page. This way, viewers can easily connect with your brand and explore more about what you offer.

Choose Your Package

    Prime Location
  • Ad placement is @HK$3000.- per year
  • Purchase an IC Slogan @HK$3000.-
  • Prime placement @HK$3000.- (among one of the top 4 on each industry category)
  • Consider Factors

    Information to be prepared

  • Brand Logo: This is the visual representation of your company’s identity.
  • Corporate Motto: This encapsulates your company’s mission and values’s targeted landing pages.
  • Ad placement - on Industry category, duration, and language.
  • Customization - ad label options: matching your brand color, fonts
  • Upload - have brand logo and corporate motto ready
  • landing pages - specify the URL you want viewers to connect with.

  • CSR Campaign

    Ad incentive scheme

    Free entry for our Clients' CSR campaign for Hong Kong community. posting form

    We appreciate creative CSR initiatives and look forward to publishing diverse social innovation such as :
    - support waste reduction initiatives
    - sponsor sporting and cultural events etc.
    - help senior reintegrate meaningfully into society
    - donate software and time to train social workers
    - professional offer free consultation hours on innovative projects,